
Showing posts from February, 2022

The Education of America's Children: Who's Responsible?

         As I write this in January of 2022, the Chicago teachers have gone on strike until their demands are met: children must all be vaccinated for them to return to school. News announcers are declaring that children are falling behind in education and that in-person learning is the only way to keep children off the streets and from other negative influences. While I agree that “in person” teaching is the most effective way to educate a child, how did the education system reach this point of having such power over the education and emotional well-being of our children? Why is it the school’s fault that young people become prone to negative influences when they’re not in a classroom? "Parents have not only a right but a duty to object when their children are being used as objects for other people's ideological crusades, especially when brainwashing replaces education in the public schools." ( Thomas Sowell,  an American economist, social theorist, and senior fellow at